iterami/Docs.htm/common HTM Projects
JavaScript Files Used By
audio.js HTM projects that use audio
canvas.js 2D canvas HTM projects
cards.js stand-alone file that adds deck of cards functionality
chess.js stand-alone file that adds chess functionality
core.js every HTM project that uses the core menu
entity.js HTM projects that use entities and groups
math.js HTM projects that use advanced math
tables.js stand-alone file that adds column sorting to tables
test.js HTM projects that test functions and performance
time.js HTM projects that use dates, timestamps, and time formatting
webgl.js 3D WebGL HTM projects
JavaScript Prefab Files Used For
canvas.js prefabricated 2D canvas entities
uri.js prefabricated data URIs
webgl.js prefabricated 3D WebGL entities
CSS Files Used By
core.css every HTM project that uses the core menu
writings.css HTM projects that are text-based and don't use the core menu
Using and Updating:
File Need Recommended Project Files
404.htm Optional handles 404 errors for GitHub Pages repos
index.htm Required the page that loads your project Optional contains license information about your project Optional contains useful links and information about your project
repo.js Required contains repo-specific code for your project