iterami/Docs.htm/common JSON Level Format
- example.json is an example valid level file with every property.
- Optional properties can be removed and order does not currently matter.
- Must be valid JSON. This commented example below is not valid. iterami style formatting is optional.
// Optional. Title to use when loaded.
"title": "Example Level",
// Optional. Ambient light color red, green, and blue values between 0 and 1 inclusive.
"ambient-color": [1, 1, 1],
// Optional. Default, maximum, and minimum camera zoom.
// When max is 0 then characters are forced into 1st person mode.
"camera-zoom": 25,
"camera-zoom-max": 50,
"camera-zoom-min": 0,
// Optional. Clear color red, green, and blue values between 0 and 1 inclusive.
"ambient-color": [0, 0, 0],
// Optional. Mouse cursor to display.
"cursor": "pointer",
// Optional. Directional light color red, green, and blue values between 0 and 1 inclusive.
"ambient-color": [1, 1, 1],
// Optional. If directional lighting is enabled and its vector.
"directional-state": true,
"directional-vector": [0, 1, 0],
// Optional. The maximum distance at which entities are drawn, or false for unlimited.
"draw-range": 1000,
// Optional. Fog density and if fog is enabled.
"fog-density": 0.0001,
"fog-state": false,
// Optional. Gravity acceleration, maxiumum downward terminal velocity, and if fall damage occurs.
"gravity-acceleration": -0.05,
"gravity-damage": false,
"gravity-max": -2,
// Optional. Locked properties that are applied to all characters before collision detection.
"lock": {
// This example prevents any characters from having any y translation other than 10.
"translate-y": 10
// Optional. Particle types to be created when the level is loaded.
"particles": {
"example-particle": {
// Optional. False if the vertex translation should just wrap upon reaching max/min,
// or true if the vertex translation wrap should be randomized instead.
"randomize": true,
// Optional. Vertex movement speed upon each axis.
"speed-x": 0,
"speed-y": 0,
"speed-z": 0,
// Optional. Maximum and minimum vertex translation values before the vertex is wrapped.
"x-max": 100,
"x-min": -100,
"y-max": 100,
"y-min": -100,
"z-max": 100,
"z-min": -100
// Optional. Paths that characters can move along.
"paths": {
"example-path": {
// Optional. If those that use this path should still collide with things.
"collision": true,
// Optional. What occurs when the end of the path is reached:
// exit = stop and exit path. Default.
// loop = loop from the beginning by moving towards 1st point.
// reverse = return back along path.
// warp = teleport back to 1st point.
"end": "loop",
// REQUIRED. Path points in order.
"points": [
// Optional. The distance from this point at which the
// character is considered to be at the point.
"distance": 0,
// Optional. Event handling when this point is reached.
// More event info can be found in the example entity below.
"event-limit": false,
"event-todo": [],
// Optional. Forced rotation that is applied to all characters that reach this point.
// Leave absent to maintain current rotation.
"rotate-x": 0,
"rotate-y": 90,
"rotate-z": 0,
// Optional. Speed multiplier when characters are approaching this point.
"speed": 2,
// Optional. Point translation relative to "0, 0, 0".
// Leave absent to use current translation of that axis.
"translate-x": 0,
"translate-y": 0,
"translate-z": 0
// Optional. Paths can have unlimited points.
"translate-x": -10,
"translate-z": -10
// Optional. Speed multiplier applied to every character on this path.
"speed": 2
// Optional. If the level starts paused or not.
"paused": false,
// Optional. If this level will request the pointer remain locked to the canvas.
"pointerlock": false,
// Optional. Properties that are applied to all non-static characters when they spawn.
"spawn": {
"translate-y": 5,
"translate-z": 5
// Optional. Custom texture URIs.
"textures": {
"gear.png": "
// Optional. Minimum character Y translation before forced death and respawn.
"y-min": -200,
// Optional. Array of groups to create, excluding automatically created groups such as "skybox".
"groups": [
// Optional. Array of character objects to use to create new characters.
"characters": [
// Optional. ID of character.
"id": "_me",
// Optional. If this character is moving forward regardless of key states.
"automove": false,
// Optional. If the camera is locked to the character's translation.
"camera-lock": true,
// Optional. Current camera zoom value. When 0, camera is in 1st person mode.
"camera-zoom": 20,
// Optional. The maximum distance that collision can occur.
"collide-range-xz": 2,
"collide-range-y": 3,
// Optional. If the character collides into entities that have collision.
"collides": true,
// Optional. Which controls this character will use.
"controls": "rpg",
// Optional. Current character gravity multiplier.
"gravity": 1,
// Optional. "change-translate-y" set when the character jumps.
"jump-height": 1,
// Optional. Current character level.
"level": 0,
// Optional. Current character xp.
"level-xp": 0,
// Optional. Current and maximum life.
"life": 1,
"life-max": 1,
// Optional. Remaining character lives, or -1 for unlimited lives.
"lives": -1,
// Optional. Locked properties that are applied this character before collision detection.
"lock": {
// This example does nothing because this example level locks character y translation to 10.
"translate-y": 5
// Optional. Either boolean false when no model is created,
// or an object of properties that are passed to the character model creator.
"model": {},
// Optional. Current assigned path or false, current path point target, and movement direction.
// What occurs when the end of the path is reached:
// "" = use default end set by path.
// exit = stop and exit path. Default.
// loop = loop from the beginning by moving towards 1st point.
// reverse = return back along path.
// warp = teleport back to 1st point.
"path-direction": 1,
"path-end": "",
"path-id": "",
"path-point": 0,
// Optional. The color of the character's reticle, or false is none should be visible.
"reticle": "#fff",
// Optional. The current scale multiplier of this character that scales all attached entities.
"scale-x": 1,
"scale-y": 1,
"scale-z": 1,
// Optional. Properties that are applied to this character when it spawns.
"spawn": {
"camera-rotate-x": 45
// Optional. Character movement speed.
"speed": 1,
// Optional. How many degrees this character turns at once.
"turn-speed": 5,
// Optional. Which vehicle this character is controlling, or false if not.
"vehicle": false,
// Optional. The stats of this character when used as a vehicle, or false if not possible.
// If not false, then all properties within this object are required.
"vehicle-stats": {
// The ID of the character that is controlling this vehicle, or false if none.
"character": false,
// Current vehicle lock state:
// 0: unlocked. Characters may freely enter and exit this vehicle.
// 1: cannot enter. Characters may exit this vehicle but not enter it.
// 2: cannot exit. Characters may enter this vehicle but not exit it.
// 3: locked. Characters cannot enter or exit the vechile.
"lock": 0,
// Current vehicle movement speed.
"speed": 0,
// How quickly the vehicle accelerates when moving forward.
"speed-acceleration": 0.1,
// How quickly the vehicle decelerates when not moving forward.
"speed-deceleration": -0.1,
// The maximum speed that the vehicle can move.
"speed-max": 1
// Optional. Array of entities that should be loaded and attached to the camera translation (without zoom).
// Uses same format as level entities.
"entities": []
// Example of character with entities.
"id": "world-static",
"entities": [
// Optional. Entity ID.
"id": "example-entity-0",
// Optional. Alpha value for the vertices of this entity, between 0 and 1 inclusive.
"alpha": 1,
// Optional. ID of character or entity that this entity is attached to, or false if not attached.
"attach-to": false,
// Optional. Variable that contains what this entity is attached to.
"attach-type": "entity_entities",
// Optional. Translation offset relative to translation of the entity/character attached to.
"attach-x": 0,
"attach-y": -2,
"attach-z": 0,
// Optional. If the entity will rotate based on the location of the camera.
"billboard": false,
// Optional. Amount that entity rotation should change by when the entity is updated.
"change-rotate-x": 0,
"change-rotate-y": 0,
"change-rotate-z": 0,
// Optional. If characters can collide with this entity.
"collision": true,
// Optional. If the entity should be drawn or not.
"draw": true,
// Optional. How the vertices should be drawn.
"draw-mode": "TRIANGLE_FAN",
// Optional. The maximum distance at which this specific entity is drawn,
// or false to use "draw-range" from "webgl_properties".
"draw-range": 500,
// Optional. The number of times this event should occur, or false for unlimited.
"event-limit": false,
// Optional. The range at which this event occurs, or false to disable.
// If range is 0, only during collisions.
"event-range": false,
// Optional. Array of things todo when this event occurs.
"event-todo": [
// Optional. The number of times this todo should occur.
// Exclude this property for no limit.
"limit": 1,
// Optional. If this todo should add the value or overwrite the existing value.
"set": false,
// Optional. ID of the stat that will be modified if a character or entity is modified.
"stat": "life",
// Optional. If the "value" property should be checked for "_target", which is then replaced
// by the target ID.
"target": false,
// Optional. ID of the character/entity or the name of the function/variable that will be affected.
"todo": "example-entity-1",
// Optional. What is being done during this todo, which includes:
// "entity" (default), "character", "function", and "variable".
"type": "entity",
// Optional. Value of change that occurs when this event occurs.
"value": -100
// Optional. If this entity should have its vertices modified based upon particle properties.
"particle": false,
// Optional. If this entity can be selected via picking.
// If true, an RGB array will be generated based upon the current entity_id_count and replace this property.
"picking": false,
// Optional. The size of each point when this entity uses the "POINTS" draw mode.
"point-size": 500,
// Optional. Rotation of entity in degrees between 0 inclusive and 360 exclusive.
"rotate-x": 0,
"rotate-y": 0,
"rotate-z": 0,
// Optional. Scale of this entity, with 1 being default.
"scale-x": 1,
"scale-y": 1,
"scale-z": 1,
// Optional. ID of texture within core_images.
// If the texture is not animated, only include the image name.
// If the texture is animated, include movement in the texture ID separated by commas,
// such as "gear.png,0.1,0.2", with the 1st number being X movement and the 2nd being Y movement.
"texture": "gear.png",
// Optional. Texture alignment string.
"texture-align": "11010010",
// Optional. How many times the texture will repeat.
"texture-x": 1,
"texture-y": 1,
// Optional. Array of numbers between 0 and 1 inclusive, indicating the color of each vertex.
// Each row is: red, green, blue, alpha
// If only 4 numbers are included, then that color will be used for all vertices.
// If not included then a random color will be selected.
"vertex-colors": [
1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 0, 0, 1,
0, 1, 0, 1,
0, 0, 1, 1
// REQUIRED. Array of numbers indicating the translation of each vertex,
// relative to the entity translation.
// Each row is: x, y, z
"vertices": [
10, 0, 10,
10, 0, -10,
-10, 0, -10,
-10, 0, 10
// Optional. Array of groups this entity will be added to. Groups must exist.
// This is where entities are added to the "skybox".
"groups": [
// Optional. Array of prefabs to create via various specific functions.
"prefabs": [
// REQUIRED. Prefab type.
"type": "webgl_primitive_cuboid",
// REQUIRED. Properties of this prefab. Passed as args.
"properties": {
// Optional. Prefix added to each created entity ID.
"prefix": "example-cuboid",
// Optional. Properties applied to every face of this cuboid.
"all": {},
// Optional. Properties applied to the -z face.
// Set "exclude" to true to prevent this face from being created.
"back": {},
// Optional. Properties applied to the -y face.
// Set "exclude" to true to prevent this face from being created.
"bottom": {},
// Optional. Which character this cuboid should be attached to.
"character": "world-static",
// Optional. Properties applied to the +z face.
// Set "exclude" to true to prevent this face from being created.
"front": {},
// Optional. Properties applied to the -x face.
// Set "exclude" to true to prevent this face from being created.
"left": {},
// Optional. Properties applied to the +x face.
// Set "exclude" to true to prevent this face from being created.
"right": {},
// Optional. Size of the cuboid.
"size-x": 1,
"size-y": 1,
"size-z": 1,
// Optional. Properties applied to the +y face.
// Set "exclude" to true to prevent this face from being created.
"top": {},
// Optional. Translation of the center of the cuboid relative to the parent character translation.
"translate-x": 0,
"translate-y": 0,
"translate-z": 0
// Optional. Array of objects indicating which character or entity properties should be randomized.
"randomized": [
// Optional. True if this affects character property, or false if this affects entity property.
"character": false,
// REQUIRED. Array of character or entity IDs, depending on the character property.
"ids": [
// REQUIRED. The range in which to choose a number, which is then added to the property.
"max": 100,
"min": -100,
// REQUIRED. The property that will be modified.
"property": "translate-z"