Prefix Power
yotta 1024
zetta 1021
exa 1018
peta 1015
tera 1012
giga 109
mega 106
kilo 103
hecto 102
deca 101
deci 10-1
centi 10-2
milli 10-3
micro 10-6
nano 10-9
pico 10-12
femto 10-15
atto 10-18
zepto 10-21
yocto 10-24
Acceleration Unit 1 metre per second squared =
foot per second squared ft/s² 3.280839895
gal Gal 100
metre per hour squared m/h² 3600
metre per second squared m/s² 1
miles per hour squared mph² 1 / .44704
standard gravity ɡₒ 1 / 9.80665
Angle Unit 1 radian =
arcminute 180 / Math.PI * 60
arcsecond 180 / Math.PI * 3600
degree ° 180 / Math.PI
Furman (180 / Math.PI / 360) * 65536
gradian gon 180 / Math.PI / 360 * 400
hexacontade 180 / Math.PI / 6
mil 1000
octant 180 / Math.PI / 45
quadrant 180 / Math.PI / 90
radian rad 1
sextant 180 / Math.PI / 60
sign 180 / Math.PI / 30
turn 180 / Math.PI / 360
Area Unit 1 metre squared =
acre ac 1 / 4046.86
are a .01
barn b .0000000000000000000000000001
brass .107639
bu 1 / 3.306
cawnie 1 / 5349
cent 1 / 40.4686
chō 1 / 9917.36
cuerda 1 / 3930.395625
darat .000125
decimal 1 / 40.4686
desiatina (official) 1 / 10925.4
desiatina (proprietor's) 1 / 14567.2
feet squared ft² 10.7639
1 / .3306
ground 1 / 203
hectare ha .0001
hold 1 / 4316
inches squared in² 1550.0031
jitro 1 / 5756
1 / 1.653
korec 1 / 2878
lán 1 / 172680
marabba 1 / 101171
měřice 1 / 1999
metres squared 1
miles squared mi² 1 / 2589990
morgen .0001 / .856532
plaza .00015625
quinaria 2384.6201538
rood 1 / 1011.71
se 1 / 99.1736
shaku 1 / .03306
strema .001
tan 段, 反 1 / 991.736
township 1 / 93239571.972095996141
tsubo 1 / 3.306
yards squared yd² .83612736
Density Unit 1 gram per cubic metre =
grams per cubic metre g/m³ 1
grams per litre g/l 1000
metric tons per cubic metre t/m³ 1000000
pounds per cubic inch lbs/in³ 1 / 27679900
pounds per cubic foot lbs/ft³ 1 / 16018.46
slugs per cubic foot 1 / 515378.8184
slugs per cubic yard 1 / 19088.1044
Energy Unit 1 joule =
electron volt eV 6241509343300000000
erg 10000000
foe 1 / 1e44
foot-pound ft·lb 1 / 1.3558179483314
gallon gasoline equivalent 1 / 121320000
international steam table calorie calit 1 / 4.1868
joule J 1
mean BTU Btumean 1 / 1055.87
mean calorie calmean 1 / 4.19002
quad 1 / 1.055e18
thermochemical BTU Btuth 1 / 1054.35026444
thermochemical calorie calth 1 / 4.184
ton of TNT 1 / 4184000000
watt-hour W·h 1 / 3600
Force Unit 1 newton =
dyne dyn 100000
gram-force gf 1 / .00980665
kip 1 / 4448.2216
long ton-force .224809 / 2240
newton N 1
ounce-force ozf 3.59694310194
pond 1 / .009806649999788
pound-force lbf .224809
poundal pdl 7.23301
short ton-force .224809 / 2000
sthène sn .001
tonne-force tf 1 / 9806.65
Fuel Unit 1 metre per litre =
litres per 100 kilometres l/100km 100000
metres per litre m/l 1
miles per imperial gallon MPG .00282481
miles per US gallon MPG .00235215
Illuminance Unit 1 lux =
foot-candle fc .09290304
lux lx 1
phot ph .0001
skot sk 3141.69
Length Unit 1 metre =
ald 1 / 1.6
alen 1 / .6277
aln 1 / .5938
Altuve 1 / .0254 / 65
ångström Å 10000000000
Aṅgula 1 / .01763
anne 1 / 1.188
archine 1 / .7112
arpent 1 / 58.47109
astronomical unit AU 1 / 149597870700
barleycorn 118.11
bloit 1 / .0254 / 42333.6
bu 330
cable 1 / .0254 / 7200
cana 1 / 1.57
chain ch 1 / 20.1168
chi 3
chō 3.3 / 360
covid 1 / .464
cubit 1 / .4572
digit 1 / .0254 / .75
ell (Danish) 1 / .941318
ell (Flemish) 1 / .686
ell (French) 1 / 1.372
ell (German) 1 / .579
ell (Polish) 1 / .787
ell (Scottish) 1 / .635
elle (Kuunar) 1 / .5334
faden 1 / 2.1336
fall 1 / 5.6479
fathom 1 / .0254 / 72
foot ft 1 / .0254 / 12
foute 1 / .3048
furlong 1 / .0254 / 7920
girah 1 / .05715
Gunter's chain 1 / .0254 / 792
Hammer unit (1 / .0254 / 12) * 16
hand h 1 / .0254 / 4
hiro .55
Hubble length 1 / (9460730472580800 * 14400000000)
inch in 1 / .0254
jacktan 1 / 3.658
Jimmy Griffin Snow Index 1 / .0254 / 4
jow 1 / .00635
kanejaku 曲尺 3.3
ken .55
kos 1 / 3075
lár 1 / .0254 / 190080
látro 1 / 1.917
league 9.3701 / 216000
light-second 1 / 299792458
light-year ly 1 / 9460730472580800
ligne 1 / .0022558291
link l. 1 / .201168
loket (Bohemia) 1 / .593
loket (Moravia) 1 / .594
loket (Silesia) 1 / .579
lunar distance LD 1 / 384402000
megalithic inch 1 / .0254 / .816
megalithic rod 1 / .0254 / 81.6
megalithic yard 1 / .0254 / 32.64
metre m 1
metric foot 1 / .3
metric inch 1 / .025
mil 39370.1
mile mi 1 / .0254 / 63360
míle (Bohemia) 1 / 7003
míle (Silesia) 1 / 6483
Minecraft chunk (horizontal) .0625
Minecraft chunk (vertical end/nether) .00390625
Minecraft chunk (vertical overworld) 1 / 384
毛, 毫 33000
nail 1 / .0254 / .25
nautical league 1 / 5556
nautical mile nmi 1 / 1852
ohra 1 / .571
palm 1 / .0254 / 3
parsec pc 1 / 30856775800000000
peninkulma 1 / 10688
perche 1 / 6.497
pic 1 / .582
pied 1 / .32485
pik 1 / .578
potrzebie 1 / .0022633484517438173216473
rack unit U 1 / .0254 / 1.75
rahf 1 / .0254 / 46.46
ranga 1 / .0254 / 38.016
ri 3.3 / 12960
rin 3300
sáh 1 / 1.778
Scots mile 1 / 5.6479 / 320
shackle 1 / .0254 / 1080
shaku 3.3
Sheppey 1 / .0254 / 55440
siriometer sir 1 / 149597870700000000
Skyrim unit 1 / .0254 / .5625
smoot 1 / 1.702
spat S .00000001
stick 1 / .0254 / 2
stopa (Bohemia) 1 / .2965
stopa (Moravia) 1 / .284
stopa (Silesia) 1 / .2895
story 1 / 3.3
sun 33
survey foot (India) 1 / .3047996
survey foot (US) 3937 / 1200
thou 1 / .0000254
toise 1 / 1.9488
unglie 1 / .0254 / .75
vara 1 / .0254 / 33.384
wiffle 1 / .089
yard yd 1 / .0254 / 36
Luminous Intensity Unit 1 candela =
candlepower cp 1 / .981
candela cd 1
Carcel 1 / 9.74
Hefnerkerze 1 / .920
Violle 1 / 20.17
Level Unit 1 decibel =
bel B .1
decibel dB 1
neper Np 1 / 8.68589
Magnetism Unit 1 tesla =
gamma γ 1000000000
gauss G 10000
tesla T 1
Mass Unit 1 gram =
abucco 1 / 196.44
adowlie 1 / 1982
Aeginetan talent 1 / 37000
agiro 1 / 392.88
atomic mass unit AMU 1 / 1.6605390402e-24
Attic talent 1 / 25800
bazla 1 / 15525
bisauli बिसौलि 1 / 1166.25
biza 1 / 1571.52
boṛi बोड़ि 1 / 583.125
bundle 1 / 317.5
carat ct 5
cental .0220462262185
couric 1 / 453.59237 / 2.5
cullingey 1 / 5.265
dharni धार्नि 1 / 2332.5
dirhem (Ottoman) 1 / 3.20725
dram dr 1 / 1.7718451953125
dram apothecaries dr ap 1 / 3.8879346
duella 1 / 9.056
Dutch cask 1 / 50802.34544
esterling .70548
firkin 1 / 40823.3133
fun 4 / 1.5
funt фунт 1 / 409.5
garce 1 / 4198518
grain 1 / .06479891
gram g 1
heavy adowlie 1 / 2031
hocsep 1 / 60000
hundredweight cwt 1 / 50802.34544
hyakume 百目 1 / 375
kanme 貫目 1 / 3750
keel 1 / 21540194.46656
kin 1 / 600
kula 1 / 11165
libra 1 / 453.59237 / 1.014286
large sack 1 / 101604.69088
long ton 1 / 453.59237 / 2240
mane 1 / (453.59237 * 2.0071)
maund 1 / 37324.2
maunee 1 / 746484
metric tonne t .00001
mina 1 / 571
momme 1 / 3.75
munjandie 1 / .25919564
oka (Ottoman) 1 / 1282.9
ounce oz 1 / (453.59237 / 16)
passeree 1 / 4665.5
pāu पाउ 1 / 194.375
pennyweight dwt 1 / 1.55517384
Planck mass mP 1 / .0000217645
point 500
pood пуд 1 / 16380
pound lb 1 / 453.59237
quarter qtr 1 / 12700.58636
room 1 / 7112328.360594
rotal 1 / 507.5
sarpler 1 / 1016046.9088
scruple 1 / 1.2959782
seer (Afghanistan) 1 / 7066
seer (India) 1 / 933.10
ship load 1 / 430803889.3312
short ton 1 / 453.59237 / 2000
slug 1 / 14593.9029388
stone st 1 / 6350.29318
teccalis 1 / 15.7152
tod 1 / 12700.58636
ton longweight 1 / 453.59237 / 2400
troy grain gr 1 / .06479891
troy ounce oz t 1 / 31.1034768
Whey (Essex) 1 / 107047.79932
zolotnik zol. 1 / 4.2658
Mass Flow Unit 1 gram per second =
gram per second g/s 1
pound per second lb/s .00045359237
slug per second .014593903
Power Unit 1 watt =
donkeypower .004
mechanical horsepower hp 1 / 745.7
metric horsepower PS 1 / 735.49875
pirate-ninja pn 1 / 40.55
poncelet p 1 / 980.665
ton of refrigeration TR 1 / 3516.8525
watt W 1
Pressure Unit 1 pascal =
bar .00001
pascal Pa 1
pièze pz .001
pound-force per square inch absolute psia .000145038
standard atmosphere atm 1 / 101325
technical atmosphere at 1 / 98066.5
torr Torr 760 / 101325
Vickers pyramid number HV 1 / 9807000
Radioactivity Absorbed Dose Unit 1 gray =
gray Gy 1
joules per kilogram J/kg .01
rad 100
Radioactivity Dose Equivalents Unit 1 sievert =
banana equivalent dose BED 10000000
sievert Gy 1
röntgen equivalent man rem 100
Radioactivity Specific Activity Unit 1 becquerel =
becquerel Bq 1
curie Ci 1 / 3.7e10
rutherford Rd 1e-6
Solid Angle Unit 1 steradian =
spat sp 1 / (Math.PI * 4)
square degree deg² Math.pow(180 / Math.PI, 2)
steradian sr 1
Speed Unit 1 metre per second =
Bubnoff unit B 31556908800000
feet per hour ft/h 1 / .0254 / 12 * 3600
feet per minute ft/min 1 / .0254 / 12 * 60
feet per second ft/s 1 / .0254 / 12
furlongs per fortnight 6012.8727971
inches per hour in/h 141732.36
inches per minute in/min 2362.206
inches per second in/s 1 / .0254
knots 1.94384
mach M 1 / 340.29
metres per hour m/h 3600
metres per minute m/min 60
metres per second m/s 1
miles per hour mph 1 / .0254 / 63360 * 3600
miles per minute mi/min 1 / .0254 / 63360 * 60
miles per second mi/s 1 / .0254 / 63360
speed of light c 1 / 299792458
yards per hour yd/h 1 / .0254 / 36 * 3600
yards per minute yd/min 1 / .0254 / 36 * 60
yards per second yd/s 1 / .0254 / 36
Time Unit 1 second =
alautun 1 / 1990656000000000
atom 1 / .15957446808
b'ak'tun 1 / 12441600000
century c. 1 / 3155690880
day d 1 / 86400
day (Earth) 1 / 86164.100352
day (Jupiter) 1 / 35730
day (Mars) 1 / 88642.6848
day (Mercury) 1 / 5067014.4
day (Minecraft) 1 / 1200
day (Moon) 1 / 2360591.5104
day (Neptune) 1 / 58000.32
day (Pluto) 1 / 551856.672
day (Saturn) 1 / 38018
day (Uranus) 1 / 62063.712
day (Venus) 1 / 20997360
decade 1 / 315569088
fortnight 1 / 1209600
ghurry 1 / 1440
Great Year 1 / 813284653593.6
helek hl .3
hour h 1 / 3600
Hubble time 1 / 454419486720000000
indiction 1 / 473353632
Internet Time .beat .01157
jiffy 1000
k'atun 1 / 622080000
k'in 1 / 86400
k'inchiltun 1 / 99532800000000
kalabtun 1 / 4976640000000
kermit 1 / 864
kilogirl 1 / 3600000
lustrum 1 / 157784544
Martian solar day sol 1 / 88775.2
Minecraft tick 20
minute min 1/60
momentum 1/90
month (anomalistic) 1 / 2380713.2064
month (draconic) 1 / 2351135.808
month (sidereal) 1 / 2360591.5104
month (synodic) 1 / 2551442.8015584
month (tropical) 1 / 2360584.6848
olympiad 1 / 126227635.2
piktun 1 / 248832000000
quarantine 1 / 3456000
radar metre 1 / .00000000666
radar nautical mile 1 / .000012355
radar statute mile 1 / .00001075
RuneScape tick 1 / .6
Savart 1 / 315569.088
Schrute Buck 1000 / 300
second s 1
semester 1 / 10886400
shake 100000000
svedberg S 10000000000000
takk 1 / 28.8
third 60
tik 1 / 28800
time unit TU 1 / .001024
tun 1 / 31104000
Warhol 1 / 900
week 1 / 604800
winal 1 / 1728000
year (Earth) a 1 / 31556908.8
year (Jupiter) 1 / (31556908.8 * 11.86)
year (Mars) 1 / (31556908.8 * 1.881)
year (Mercury) 1 / (31556908.8 * .240846)
year (Moon) 1 / (31556908.8 * .0748)
year (Neptune) 1 / (31556908.8 * 164.8)
year (Pluto) 1 / (31556908.8 * 248.1)
year (Saturn) 1 / (31556908.8 * 29.46)
year (Uranus) 1 / (31556908.8 * 84.01)
year (Venus) 1 / (31556908.8 * .615)
yén 1 / 4544294400
Torque Unit 1 newton metre =
gram metre g·m 1 / 9806.65
newton metre N·m 1
pound-foot lb·ft 1 / 1.355818
Volume Unit 1 litre =
acetabulum 1 / .068125
acre-foot 1 / 1233480
adowlie 1 / 2.509
ale/beer barrel 1 / 163.65924
ale/beer firkin 1 / 40.91481
ale/beer hogshead 1 / 245.48886
amphora quadrantal 1 / 26.16
Anker 33.8140227 / 1320
arroba 1 / 16.137
Australian tablespoon 50
bath 1 / 2200
board-foot FBM 1 / 2.359737225
bushel (imperial) 1 / 36.368735
bushel (US) 1 / 35.239072
butt of beer 1 / 490.97772
cajuela 1 / 16.6
cash 1 / 227.11
chungah 1 / .75768236466
congius 1 / 3.27
coomb 1 / 145.47494
cotyla 1 / .2725
cran 1 / 170.47853205
cord 1 / 3624.56
cord-foot cd-ft 1 / 453.07
cubic inch in³ 61.0237440947323
cubic foot ft³ 1 / 28.316846592
cubic metre .001
cubic mile mi³ .000000000000239912758579
cubic ton 1 / 28.316846592 / 40
cubic yard yd³ 1 / 764.5549
culeus 1 / 523.2
cullishigay 1 / 45.4609188
cup (imperial) 35.1950652 / 8
cup (US) 33.8140227 / 8
cyathus 1 / (3.27 / 72)
demiard 1 / .284
djezla 1 / 257.4
ephah ה‎עֵיפָ 1 / 36.36
fanega 1 / 274
fifth 1 / .757
fluid dram fl dr 1 / .0035516328125
fluid dram (US) fl dr 1 / .0036966911953125
fluid ounce (imperial) fl oz 35.1950652
fluid ounce (US) fl oz 33.8140227
fluid scruple 1 / 1.23
gallon (imperial) gal 35.1950652 / 160
gallon (US) gal 33.8140227 / 132
garce (India) 1 / 5244
garce (Sri Lanka) 1 / 5084.8
gill (imperial) 35.1950652 / 5
gill (US) 33.8140227 / 4
1331 / 240.1
hekat 1 / 4.8
homer 1 / 220
hoppus cubic foot h ft 1 / 36.0473457116
hoppus ton HT 1 / 1802.36728558
Japanese cup 5
kinderkin 1 / 81.82962
koku 1331 / 240100
korec 1 / 93.592
lambda λ 1000000
ligula 1 / (3.27 / 288)
litre l 1
log 1 / .505
malter 1 / 191
maris 1 / 30.3
měřice 1 / 70.6
metretes 1 / 37.4
metric cup 4
metric fifth 1 / .75
mina 1 / .505
minim (imperial) min 16893.631296
minim (US) min 16230.730896
naggin 5
ngogn 1 / .0022633484517438173216473
octave 1 / 73
omer ר‎עמ 1 / 3.636
pau 1 / .284130625
peck (imperial) 35.1950652 / 320
peck (US) 33.8140227 / 264
pin 1 / 20.457405
pint (imperial) pt 35.1950652 / 20
pint (US) pt 33.8140227 / 16
puddee (Chennai) 1 / 1.591264
puddee (Government) 1 / 1.64
quart (imperial) qt 35.1950652 / 40
quart (US) qt 33.8140227 / 32
quartarius 1 / .13625
sai 1331 / 2.401
seah האס 1 / 12.12
sextarius 1 / .545
shaku 1331 / 24.01
shipping ton (imperial) 1 / 1189.307556864
shipping ton (US) 1 / 1132.67386368
shō 1331 / 2401
shoulder 1 / .35
sydharb 1 / 562000000000
tablespoon (imperial) tbsp 56.1312777
tablespoon (US) tbsp 67.6280454
teaspoon (imperial) tsp 168.393833
teaspoon (US) tsp 202.8841362
to 1331 / 24010
tun 1 / 981.95544
urna 1 / 13.08
velt 1 / 227.11 * 30
yard of ale 1 / 1.4206537
Volumetric Flow Unit 1 cubic metre per second =
cubic foot per second ft³/s 1 / .028316846592
cubic metre per second m³/s 1
gallon per second gal/s .0037854118
sverdrup Sv .000001
Temperature Unit Convert to °C Convert from °C
Amonton value * 4.65116 - 239.535 value * .215 + 51.5
Barnsdorf value * 3.80952 - 13.9683 value * .2625 + 11 / 3
Beaumuir value * 1.23862 value / 1.23862
Bénart value * .79661 - .398305 value * 1.25532 + .5
Bergen value * .595238 - 3.57143 value * 1.68 + 6
Brisson value * 1.18519 value / 1.18519
Celsius °C 1 1
Cimento value * 1.50376 - 20.3008 value * .665 + 13.5
Cruquius value * .22737 - 243.329 value * 4.39811 + 1070.19
Dalencé value * 1.5 + 15 value * (2 / 3) - 10
Daniell value * 4.03996 + 13.333 value * .247527 - 3.30028
De la Hire value * 1.01184 - 20.8133 value * .988302 + 20.5698
De la Ville value * .56369 - 14.125 value * 1.77402 + 25.0581
Delisle °D 100 - value / 1.5 (100 - value) * 1.5
De Luc value * 1.26984 value / 1.26984
De Lyon value * 1.01587 value / 1.01587
de Revillas value / -1.48453633 + 100 value / -.673609334 + 148.454
de Suede value * 1.00402 - .0401717 value * .995999 + .040011
de Villeneuve value * .75 value * (4 / 3)
Du Crest value * .853839 + 14.6 value * 1.17118 - 17.0992
Edinburgh value * 2.58589 - 21.3336 value * .386714 + 8.25
electron volts value * 11604.5 - 273.15 value / 11604.9669 + .0235383
Fahrenheit °F (value - 32) / 1.8 value * 1.8 + 32
Florentine Magnum value * .36875 + 9.5 value * 2.71186 - 25.7627
Fowler value * .355734 + 12.095 value * 2.81109 - 34
Frick value * .442674 + 14.741 value * 2.259 - 33.3
Gas Mark G value * 14 + 121 (value - 121) / 14
Goubert value / .9 value * .9
Hales value / 1.5 value * 1.5
Hauksbee value / -2.5 + 31.2 value / -.4 + 78
Jacobs-Holborn value * .140845 - 47.4648 value * 7.1 + 337
Kelvin K value - 273.15 value + 273.15
La Court value * 1.31687 - 19.7531 value * .759375 + 15
Lambert value * .27027 - 270.27 value * 3.7 + 1000
Lange value * 2.07523 - 14.2499 value * .481875 + (20.6 / 3)
Leiden value - 253 value + 253
Ludolf value * .623782 - 19.961 value * 1.60313 + 32
Mariotte value * .389 - 9.5 value * 2.57069 + 24.4216
Miles value / 1.8 value * 1.8
Murray value * .403226 - 39.9194 value * 2.48 + 99
Newton °N value / .33 value * .33
Oertel value / .9 - 35.5556 value * .9 + 32
Paris value * .583333 - 16.3333 value * 1.71429 + 28
Poleni value * 6.58915 - 312.016 value * .151765 + 47.3529
Rankine °Ra (value - 491.67) / 1.8 (value + 273.15) * 1.8
Réaumur °Ré value * 1.25 value / 1.25
Richter value * 1.21766 - 21.9178 value * .82125 + 18
Rinaldini value / .12 value * .12
Rømer °Rø (value - 7.5) * 40 / 21 value * 21 / 40 + 7.5
Sagredo value * .211 - 21.1 value * 4.73934 + 100
Sulzer value * .636637 + .684685 value * 1.57075 - 1.07547
Urist °U (value - 10000) / 1.8 value * 1.8 + 10000
Wedgwood (modern) value * 24.8572 + 269 value / 24.8571954 - 10.8218
Wedgwood (original) value * 72.2219 + 580.8 value / 72.2219815 - 8.04188